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Office Programs / MapPoint / Evaluation 

Reviews and Awards
Mapping software users look forward to its release, reviewers praise its ease of use and geographic information systems (GIS) capabilities, and now there's an online magazine devoted to Microsoft MapPoint™. All kinds of people are talking about the new business mapping software that integrates with Office 2000.

First Looks: Microsoft MapPoint 2001
PC Magazine: "With such enhancements as global maps and integration with Microsoft Office applications, MapPoint is a good investment if you use all or most of its well-executed features."
(13 Apr 00)
Linux Lives, Microsoft Maps
Computerworld: "The product is MapPoint 2001, a mapping program that has a lot of intriguing and powerful database capabilities and integrates well with the Microsoft Office suite."
(03 Apr 00)
Turn Numbers Into Maps "[Named to the July WinList, MapPoint 2000 has] excellent wizards and [an] easy user interface."
(Jun 99)
MapPoint 2000 Raises the Bar for Desktop Mapping
InfoWorld: "Microsoft's MapPoint 2000 fills a need for those who do not require…heavyweight, expensive ($1,000 or more) GIS products but still need to quickly create locator maps or integrate maps and demographic data into attractive presentations."
(12 Apr 99)
Microsoft Enters the Field of Business Geographics "MapPoint provides a whole lot of bang for the buck with powerful address matching and demographic mapping tools."
(17 May 99)
MapPoint 2000 Review
Spatial News: "MapPoint is cheap, simple to use, and comes packed with data."
(May 99)
Pictures Not Enough? Draw a Map
PC World: Microsoft MapPoint is easy to use, with attractive maps and useful demographic data.
(Feb 99)
Map Out Your Profits
PC Computing: "MapPoint marries a consumer mapping interface (like Microsoft's own Automap Streets Plus, complete with pushpin annotation) and powerful and highly accurate GIS features."
(22 Feb 99)
GIS Lands on the Map
PC Week: "In [our] tests…of MapPoint 2000, we were impressed by the package's simple interface. Address hunting was very easy using the interface; MapPoint 2000 quickly scanned a large database of U.S. addresses."
(29 Jan 99)
MapPoint is Welcome!
Directions Magazine: A letter to the editor praises MapPoint ease of use and hails its arrival in the mapping field.
(Jun 99)
Press Releases
New Features in MapPoint 2001 Help Customers Visualize and Create Effective Solutions
MapPoint 2001, a member of the Office family of applications, was released to manufacturing on March 15.
(22 Mar 00)
Microsoft MapPoint 2000 Released to Manufacturing; Trial Version Available
MapPoint 2000 takes the final step toward release, and eager customers can obtain a trial version.
(Apr 99)
Microsoft MapPoint 2000 Hailed by Directions Magazine
"Microsoft is introducing mapping to the masses," says Joe Schwartz, editor of the online Directions Magazine, a publication devoted to comprehensive coverage of the geodemographic industry.
(Feb 99)

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